“What we see today is a consumption society that values material wealth above social health,” said Mrs. Schriner. Bangor Daily News, Bangor, Maine.
“My issues would be about women’s issues…” - Mrs. Schriner during a CBS (affiliate) News interview on the Monterey Peninsula in California.

Talk capsule: She was a successful public relations consultant in New Zealand in her late 20s. Then she had a “spiritual experience,” felt prompted to quit her job and travel to America. She did. While in Alaska, of all places, she met her soon to be husband, Joe. And together they launched into a highly unique apostolate. A cross-country run for the presidency with a platform based on Catholic teaching. And not once, but five times – and counting. The ‘Almost First Lady’ Liz describes what motivated her to give everything up. Then she explains the joys, trials and more than a few quite humorous moments in raising a family on the road. And, ultimately, she describes what winning is really all about for her. And poll numbers aren’t part of it.

Chattanooga, TN, Channel 12 TV News reporter Bill Mitchell to Liz: “Don’t most women want a home, friends and roots?” Liz replied: “I had that once, and I think there is more to be done in life.”