They were a rather ordinary Catholic couple until they heard about Pope John Paul II’s New Evangelization call. Then, well, everything changed…
"We were about to embark on our 7th tour leg of Election 2000, a 2,000-mile bicycle ride with two young kids and no support vehicle. “Ready?” I asked Liz. “Ready,” she replied. And off we headed down Rt. 149 thinking: ‘What are we nuts?” At least that’s what I was thinking. Liz was smiling – and apparently in denial." –from Joe’s Back Road to the White House book.

Running for president on faith and fumes
Talk capsule: They were a rather ordinary Catholic couple – until they heard Pope John Paul II’s New Evangelization call. In turn, they took Catholic Church teaching, applied it to the issues of the day, and turned it all into a political platform. The couple then quit their jobs, packed up their kids, and headed off in an old family camper – to run for president, of the United States, of America. Their prayer: “Okay Lord, You steer!” The spiritual odyssey (on some bad days, Liz would just call it “odd”) has spanned a phenomenal 100,000 miles -- so far. Joe and/or Liz – depending on the venue – have given talks in more than 1,000 Catholic Churches, been featured in more than 1,000 Diocesan and secular newspaper, radio and TV pieces. And they’ve talked at the University of Notre Dame, Xavier University, Dayton University, Franciscan University… *This talk hits the high spots of an extra-ordinary faith walk. It hits some ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ spots. It hits the ultra-poignant, and sometimes just as hilarious, family spots out on yet another backroad somewhere. And the talk, ultimately, explains what “winning” is all about for this couple. [Hint: And it’s not about good poll numbers.]

“This is the most consistent Catholic campaign I have ever seen…” - St. Meinrad Seminary Moral Theology Professor Mark Ginter to The Herald, Jasper, Indiana
“Schriner’s message is deeply rooted in Catholic Social Teaching…” - Editor Dennis Sadowski, Cleveland Ohio’s Diocesan newspaper, The Universe Bulletin.
photo appeared in Ohio Magazine